Safe Toys and games month Chapa De Auburn Grass Valley

Safe Toys and Games

Safe Toys and Games

Chapa-De Health Care Auburn Grass Valley

Tips for Buying Safe Toys and Games

            During the 2017 holiday season, Chapa-De wants to make sure our patients are thoughtful when giving and receiving toys and games.

When buying toys and games for your children, the thought of getting them something they will love may overshadow the safety features associated with them.

Handwashing Awareness Month Chapa de Auburn grass Valley

Handwashing Awareness Month

Handwashing Awareness Month

Chapa-De Health Care Auburn Grass Valley

December is Handwashing Awareness Month

          Handwashing is important at home, at work and when you are out and about in order to help prevent sickness and to keep everyone in your family healthy. Germs are everywhere and Chapa-De wants to remind our patients of the importance of washing your hands,

Diabetes Month Chapa De Indian Health Care Auburn Grass valley

Diabetes Month

Diabetes Month

Chapa-De Health Care Auburn Grass Valley

            As of 2015, 30.3 million Americans had been diagnosed with diabetes. Communities around the United States observe National Diabetes month each November with the hopes of bringing more attention to diabetes, it’s impact on millions of Americans and to offer support and education to those living with the condition.

Red ribbon Week Chapa De Health Care Auburn Grass Valley

Drug Free Communities

Red Ribbon Week 

Chapa-De Health Care Auburn Grass Valley

Your Future is Key, so Stay Drug Free.

In honor of Red Ribbon Week, October 23- 31st, Chapa-De reminds our patients of the importance of staying drug free and promoting drug-free communities.

What is Red Ribbon Week?

As the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation,

Medicare clinic Grass Valley-Chapa-De Indian Health

What does it mean to be a “healthy man”?

Medicare Clinic Grass Valley | Chapa-De Indian Health

June is National Men’s Health Month!

In support of National Men’s Health Month, Chapa-De Indian Health encourages all male patients to seek regular medical advice and early preventative treatments. Our team of healthcare professionals at our Auburn and Grass Valley health centers can help guide patients towards a healthy and proactive lifestyle through regular check-ups and preventive care measures.