National Autism Awareness Month Chapa De Indian Healthcare Auburn Grass Valley

National Autism Awareness Month

National Autism Awareness Month

National Autism Awareness Month Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley

April is National Autism Awareness Month and April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. Chapa-De Indian Health wants to spread the word, raising awareness for our autistic patients and community members and those with autism all around the world.

What is Autism?

There are many different variations of autism, most commonly discovered in the first few years of a child’s life. It is a neurodevelopmental condition “characterized by problems with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.” –

Neurodevelopmental describes the development of parts of our brain that help us to perform verbal and nonverbal functions. The development of an autistic person’s brain is underdeveloped or develops differently.

Autism can be more pronounced in some people and less visible in others. This is what is called the “spectrum” of autism.

As doctors, we ask that all of our patients look out for the following signs of autism:

  • Trouble speaking or repeat words constantly
  • Dislike touching or contact from others
  • Do not make eye contact
  • Unusual and repetitive body movements, such as jolting and moving in circles
  • Extremely sensitive to non-sensitive situations or not sensitive to extremely sensitive situations
  • Learn more about the signs of autism HERE.

What are the risks for autistic people?

  • There are some very serious health and safety risks that everyone should be aware of when it comes to autism.
  • Various health and safety organizations note “wandering” as a major safety risk, where children will quickly depart from their family or safe keeping into the world alone. This proves to be a significant concern because many autistic people cannot verbally communicate in times of need or peril.
  • Drowning is another major risk noted by various organizations, usually involved in wandering.
  • Depression and suicide are also unfortunately common among the autistic community.

As parents, guardians, friends, family, and community members, it is important to understand what autism is, the risks of autism and the signs, in order to prevent unsafe situations. Click HERE to learn tips to prevent risk.

If your child shows signs of autism or you are concerned that they may have autism, call a Chapa-De physician today to schedule an appointment by calling (530) 887-2800 for Auburn or (530) 477-8545 for Grass Valley.

Note: there are many people that believe that routine vaccinations for children can cause autism. Chapa-De is here to remind you that there is no link between vaccinations and autism in children. Remember that it is important to make sure your children are vaccinated, protecting them for the future.

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Chapa-De provides medical care, dental care, optometry, behavioral health, pharmacy services and much more.

Serving all American Indian, Low Income and Limited Income Community

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