Disaster Preparedness Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Many members of our community have been recently impacted by disasters, from the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, to the wildfires raging across Northern California. Talking about disaster preparedness can be difficult for some people, especially those who have lived through them.

National Suicide Prevention Week Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

National Suicide Prevention Week

National Suicide Prevention Week

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

We have all heard about suicide on the news. Some of us know somebody that has been affected by suicide. Some probably very close to home. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reshape our communities and our lives,

National Food Bank Day Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

National Food Bank Day


National Food Bank Day

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Since 2017, the first Friday of September has been recognized as National Food Bank Day. We want to take this chance to discuss food banks, and the important role they play in keeping the community healthy.

Talking To Teens About Drugs & Alcohol Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Talking To Teens About Drugs & Alcohol

Talking To Teens About Drugs & Alcohol

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Teens experiment with alcohol and drugs for many reasons. It might be curiosity, stress, peer pressure, or simply not knowing the negative effects. At Chapa-De, we want to encourage parents to talk to their teens and kids about alcohol and drugs.

How to Manage Your Weight Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

How to Manage Your Weight

How to Manage Your Weight

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

Here at Chapa-De we want to help our patients lead healthy lifestyles. That includes offering education and resources about weight management.  

Why Weight Management is Important

People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of certain health conditions,

Immunization Awareness and Services  Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

Immunization Awareness and Services 

Immunization Awareness and Services 

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Immunizations help prevent us all from getting sick. Now more than ever, it is important to make sure we are up to date on our immunizations.   

Immunizations are not just for kids.

COVID -19: What We Know Now Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

COVID-19: What We Know Now

COVID-19: What We Know Now

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

We all have been affected by the COVID-19 virus in some way or another by now. The smartest minds in the world are working together to help find a vaccine and hopefully help eliminate the growing number of infections and deaths.

Minority Mental Health Awareness Blog Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

Minority Mental Health Awareness

Minority Mental Health Awareness

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. It is a chance to shine a light on minority mental health and minority mental health care. It is important to understand and work to improve access to high-quality mental health services for minority groups.

Chapa-De Renovation Announcement Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

Chapa-De Renovation Announcement

Chapa-De Renovation Announcement

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Chapa-De drafted plans to expand our services and create more room for new patients and providers. These plans were developed to allow our team to provide even more care to our patients and the community.

Back to School Preparations Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

Back to School Preparations

Back to School Preparations

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic  

It’s that time of year again. Time to start planning for the school year ahead and make sure that your children are up to date on their vaccinations and well child checks. While many schools are still deciding if they will host classes in-person,