About Thyme: A Tasty Salmon Recipe You’ll Feel Good About

About Thyme: A Tasty Salmon Recipe You’ll Feel Good About

It’s springtime, which means it’s time to dust off all the fresh and tasty recipes salmon has to offer. Salmon is one of the healthiest meats available. It’s not only good for your heart but is also great for managing your blood sugar.

Chapa-De Introduces: New Lactation Support Groups

Chapa-De Introduces: New Lactation Support Groups

Everyone says it comes naturally, that baby will latch as soon as she is laid on your chest after being born. You think it will be easy because everyone says it is. You think you will love every part of it because they say you will.

Getting Cheeky: Screening For Colorectal Cancer Is Easier Than Ever

Getting Cheeky: Screening For Colorectal Cancer Is Easier Than Ever

When was the last time you talked about the health of your Colon and Rectum? If you can say never, you are in the majority. Colorectal Cancer is 90% treatable when caught early but there is a lot of taboo talking about it just like anything to do with your bottom.

Preventative Care Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Preventative Care: Taking Control of Your Health

Preventative Care

Taking Control of Your Health

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Spring is full of new beginnings and there is no better time to prioritize your health as a form of self-care. When taking care of yourself, it goes deeper than cucumber eye covers.

Indigenous Tribes | Our Stories Carry Important Records By Sunie Wood

Our Stories Carry Important Records

Our Stories Carry Important Records

By Sunie Wood

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

For years, Indigenous Tribes have kept historical records through oral history. Rather than writing their history in words on paper, as Europeans have done, Native Elders pass history through generations in the stories they tell younger generations about events.

Chapa-De Celebrates Children’s Dental Health Month  Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Children’s Dental Health Month

Chapa-De Celebrates Children’s Dental Health Month 

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

February is Children’s Dental Health Month. The California Dental Association (CDA) declared this to focus attention on the health of children’s teeth and gums. The goal is to support families to create healthy habits that help prevent dental pain and problems.

More Adults Can Now Get Full Scope Medi-Cal Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

More Adults Can Now Get Full Scope Medi-Cal

More Adults Can Now Get Full Scope Medi-Cal

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Medi-Cal coverage has expanded! More adults are now able to get full-scope Medi-Cal coverage. Immigration status and assets no longer matter. Chapa-De celebrates this expanded access to vital healthcare services for more of our community.

Celebrate Soup Day with a Heart Healthy Recipe Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Celebrate Soup Day

Celebrate Soup Day with a Heart Healthy Recipe

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Eating a variety of nutritious foods can help promote your health and wellbeing this month and all year long. February is American Heart Month and February 4th is National Soup Day. Heart healthy soups can be great recipes for the cold weather.

Get a Balanced Life Month: Balancing You in the New Year Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Get a Balanced Life Month: Balancing You in the New Year

Get a Balanced Life Month: Balancing You in the New Year

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

New year’s resolutions can help us focus on good health. But people can often choose goals that feel overwhelming very quickly. The goals are not sustainable, and the changes don’t last.

Eating Smart, Being Active: Join Our Newest Class! Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Eating Smart, Being Active: Join Our Newest Class!

Eating Smart, Being Active: Join Our Newest Class!

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley | Medical Clinic

Eating Smart, Being Active: Join Our Newest Class!

The start of a new year is a great time to commit to your own health and wellness. Establishing healthy habits now can help promote wellbeing all year.