diabetes prevention-Chapa De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley

Start On Your Path to Healthy Eating ,Today!

Diabetes Prevention | Chapa-De Auburn Grass Valley

Chapa-De Celebrates National Nutrition Month This March

Chapa-De Indian Health helps Auburn and Grass Valley patients lead a healthy lifestyle through food and nutrition information.

Making small changes during National Nutrition Month, and over time, can improve your health.

Our team of experts at our Auburn and Grass Valley health centers help guide patients towards a shift to healthier eating styles.  Chapa-De also promotes health and wellness activities, and provides food planning information.

Did You Know: Diabetes Prevention starts with making healthy food choices.

Simple changes to your food choices can help you lose weight, have more energy, and even prevent illnesses and diseases. Type II diabetes, for example, may be prevented with proper nutrition and exercise.

Be sure to visit our Facebook pages for new and updated resources that help make the National Nutrition Month 2017 celebration an infinite success!

Grass Valley Health & Medical Center Facebook

Auburn Health & Medical Center Facebook

Question: What is a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: Choosing to eat more fruits and vegetables, and making informed food choices based on your individual health and nutritional needs.

Question: What can you do?

Answer: Start by making one small change. For example, if you drink soda, challenge yourself to replace it with either water or unsweetened ice tea. Also, you can try to replace one “junk food” snack or treat (like chips or cookies) with a piece of fruit throughout the day. Small changes can add up to big results!

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle
  • Make informed food choices
  • Get daily exercise
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Drink more water

Chapa-De is here for you! Call the Auburn Health Center at (530) 887-2800 or Grass Valley Health Center at (530)477-8545 to schedule an appointment.

Meeting with our health team will help you learn what your body needs to achieve peak health and prevent disease.

Contact us today to start on your path to healthy eating. At Chapa-De, you can partner with our team of certified nutritionists to learn about healthy food choices. We will teach you about the simple and affordable changes you can make to your every day choices that will help you optimize your health. Chapa-De understands that everyone is different.  Because of this, your Health Team will help you understand your nutritional needs.


Chapa-De provides medical care, dental care, optometry, behavioral health, pharmacy services and much more.

Serving all American Indian, Low Income and Limited Income Community

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