HIV Testing Get Tested. Know Your Status. Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley

HIV Testing Auburn Grass Valley

HIV Testing

Get Tested. Know Your Status.

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley

Today, June 27th, is HIV Testing Day. We at Chapa-De want to educate patients and the public about the importance of getting tested and knowing your risk.

What is HIV and AIDS?

HIV, also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a disease that affects a person’s T cells. These are cells that we need to fight off viruses. Without them, our bodies cannot stay healthy.


HIV can be contracted by:

  • Unprotected sex
  • Passed down at birth if a mother has HIV
  • Using needles or other injectables
  • Infected blood in your bloodstream


There are three phases of HIV, leading to AIDS:

  • HIV Infection – when your body is initially infected with the virus and the virus begins to attack your T cells, causing flu like symptoms.
  • Clinical Latency – once the body is infected by the virus, the virus is then living within the person’s body. Surprisingly, if treated appropriately and early, people can lead relatively normal lives.
  • If HIV is not treated, it develops into AIDS, when the virus takes over your body and opens you up to infections and dangerous illnesses.


Many people think that HIV and AIDS are a thing of the past or is a disease that only affects homosexuals or communities in less medically equipped countries. This is not true. Over one million people in the U.S have HIV and only one in seven know that they have it.


This is extremely alarming because we now have access to medicine that can help people infected with the disease. If HIV is detected soon enough, a simple one-pill-a-day could make all the difference and allow people with HIV to lead a relatively normal life decades into the future.


Knowing that, why don’t people get tested?

Stigma. Our society still has unnecessary shame associated with this medical condition. The reality is that anyone can get this disease if they are not careful and informed. It can only be made worse if you do not get tested and do not treat it.


Where can you get tested?

At Chapa-De. Call our Auburn or Grass Valley location today to make an appointment. You can also click HERE to find a clinic or health center near you.

HIV Testing

Get Tested. Know Your Status.

Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Grass Valley

Contact Chapa De


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